Friday 2 November 2012

Walk Like An Egyptian

Actually, this was my 1st attempted to design a headgear. Inspired by the egyptian, this headgear was made of mounting board, some satin, acrylic and some diamonds to make it awesome (ke?). Anyway, saya tak menang pon sebab this headgear nampak a lil bit cheap (gelak tutup mulut).

Anyway (again) walaupn dah lama event ni, saya still nak say a big thanks to those yg support, especially my sabahan model, cella john. you look fierce girl!

here goes the runner-up. by my classmate, ershad kamari with his abang elok model from milan katenye! no wonder la boleh menang. apa2 pun headgear ala2 headgear Givenchy ni memang deserved to be on the podium. 

and this is the winner of the night. also my classmate. by asrol ahmad, inspired by bamboo, yes it's ranting bamboo. it look well done, and classy. plus he used ellie saab's lace to cover the model face. wah! you deserve it bro!

and here's the inspirational song. make sure you play this song loud and clear before wearing my headgear. LOL

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