Tuesday 1 January 2013

Au Revoir 2012

goodbye 2012 and hello 2013! this is the 1st entry in the new year! probably just to recap on what was happening last year (2012)

obviously, 2012 was a great year for me. there're up and down. early of the year i was a bit struggling and try to survive after the "big wave" that hit me cause by my own mistake. i'm kinda lost at the beginning. and almost quit my study. durghh! how stupid i was. but i know that i am strong inside and outside, and i'm not a quitter.

and toward the end, finally i could cheer up because i finally completed my study after 3 years at the most famous fashion school UiTM Seri Iskandar. the moment i've been waiting for to come out with my own collection is finally came true where i've showcased my collection in several location and the finale would be the diploma show.

The Little MONS+ER was my 1st baby, and there're lot things to faced before i could finally completed all designs. money would be the major problems. sorry mom and dad, i've used a lot of money last year! and in the middle of completing the design, i was infected with chicken-pox, and that was the hardest thing i have to face. just a few day before the date-line for photoshooting, and the desing was only 20% completed.

i must thanks everyone who supported me, especially my mom and my classmates. we're sailed in the same boat and we're lucky because we're not sink. LOL

my hope for this year is i only want the best from it. actually there're lot i wish for this year. one of them is that i want to be in shape. yeah! again! i'm gonna puke now! and i really want people to recognize me and being somebody in the industry. i want to share my ideas and my passion through fashion. amen.

happy new year everyone! love, annuar's the little monster/

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