Friday 18 January 2013


hey guys! do you know what is MANTEL? i'm so into mantel. well, actually mantel is a malay word for a CAPE. still don't get it? come! let me show you what is mantel, and please, when i talk, you listen! (LOL)

cape is some kind of.. clothing.. but it only be wear to complete a look. there's no armhole, just place it on your shoulder, and you're ready to rock the world. jyeah!

what i love about cape is that it is a very simple thing, but yet so much to talk about (what!) the most important thing is, it is easy designing a cape, very simple, in fact you could make it less then 10 minutes (really??) because it's dartless (no dart)

but the challenging part is how to make it unique and so you! me, so  i've designed a couple of it. and i love it, but sadly, i can't wear it because it's designed with a model size! too bad!

this is my 1st cape. a structural leather cape inspired by gaga; the mother monster. i almost kill my self doing this. it's hard to handle such a tick leather. thank you miss farah! you are so inspiring!

and this one is my 3rd design for my final collection. and again, i almost kill myself. haha. thank you mr pattern maker E.K for guiding me.

i'm in the mood to design another one, for myself. and still think about the right fabric for it. after that i could wear a mantel! take off those boring cardigan and jacket guys! it's time for some MANTEL

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