Monday 3 December 2012

Soon; Marry The Day

i've just finish giving the final touch on my wedding dress. just adding some pearls (a lot) and some finishing. tomorrow i'll send it to the dry-clean. and by this week i could send it to the future bride-to-be. omg i am super duper excited. hopefully she fits in this dress. i really want to see this dress wear by a real bride on the wedding day. 

anyway, i would like to wish in advance: a happy wedding (happy wedding?) to my ex-classmate who soon be a wife (omg). i'm sure you will look pretty in this dress. 


  1. omg!!!!!!!! she's gonna wear this? im so excited!!! i wanna go to her wedding!!!! are u going?

  2. surprise surprise! haha.. kalau org jempot pegi la.. lol



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