Saturday 1 December 2012

Jobless Monster

it's already a month doing nothing but eat and sleep, all day long. and this totally need to be end soon because i'm started to hate live a life like this!

just a few days ago one of my nosy uncle came to my house, and he saw me (because i wasn't noticed that he was there). then he said "..oi, makan tidur jelah.." and just a few hours ago, one of my friend text me, and she said i should go outside, working and earn some money, and from that moment i started to realize that i've to do something. and obviously, get a job!

i should go walks around the town to find a job. well, at this point i wish i'm in kuala lumpur, it would be easier for me to find the right job with the skills i have. 

so next week will be the busy week for me to find a job, hopefully i'll get one. i think i have already get enough rest and it's time to rock the world again!

*anyone who is interested to hire me please do send your resume. LOL

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