Friday 2 November 2012

I Say, No No No

I think this one is not a new issue or a big one, but to me, it is! underage on social networks to me is something something (tak tau nak cakap apa)

Bila cakap isu ni. maybe orang akan cakap kita ni tak open minded or old school. But the truth is social networks is not a suitable place for underage especially students. Bila tengok tu, it's something yang annoying.

Kalau yang perempuan sebuk usha lelaki, yang lelaki pon sama. come on la, awak tu sekolah lagi. I'm not gonna charot these people, sebab parent diorang pon bagi license for them kan. parent knows what best for their children. pfft.

Just an advice, boleh tu boleh, but please monitor what your children do when they are in front of the internet. anything could happen. daripada bagi diorang online for an hour, kan bagus kalau bagi dorang buat homework. ok I don't know how this things work, because I'm not a parent yet, but it's something yang annoying (again)

things changed drastically. back then, when I was their age. I spent my times playing around with my friends. Main masak2 (pondan), kejar2.. it's something yang memenatkan, but it's fun. The definition of fun to kids now-a-day is different from us.

things changed

p/s credit to mas for the grammar. LOL

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