Thursday 8 November 2012

Review: Parit Jawa

hey there. baru2 ni saya ada tengok 1 malay drama dekat youtube. and hey! it's a good drama. I never thought that we still have a great drama that full of message and well-directed. Direct by Tunku Mona Riza, Parit Jawa is a must watch tele-movie. I must say, this is the right kind of drama/film that Malaysia should have. Enough la dgn filem pasal gangster, mat rempit or so whatever. Cliche.

I don't know what happen to Malay film industry, dah semakin mengarut. suatu masa dulu, filem berunsur seram, is in, and everday film tu jelah yang d mainkan kat panggung wayang. dari yang totally horror, sampai ke comedy horror. and suddenly someone voice it out, baru la filem2 genre ni slow down sekejap. and now trend mat rempit and gangster. come on la.

Namun, Parit Jawa jauh menyimpang dari genre demikian. Mengisahkan hubungan kekeluargaan dan semangat cintakan budaya dan bangsa. In some reason, I do think that the selection of the actor/actress didn't work quite well. 50% of this tele-flim, menggunakan dialog dalam bahasa jawa, so a truly Javanese is a must. otherwise it will sound weird. Anyway credit to Zahiril, Ruminah Sidek and Jalil hamid for make it work.

Enough with the drama, now lets move on to the soundtrack. Batu Belah Batu Konkrit, yes that is the tittle of the song. sang by MonoloQue featuring Azlina Aziz. It's a catchy song. and what make it even catchy is the lyric

"Wahai anakanda ku sayang
Kemana hilang budaya
Diculik piring terbang
Atau ditelan buaya"
cool right! anyway, congrats to all the team of this superb tele-film. 5 stars for Parit Jawa. 

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